Taroko Systems International

Sigma Demonstration System

About the Sigma Demonstration System

The Sigma demo system consists of three separate databases. The Sigma-Net represents three different organizations.

The three organizations are structured as Client, Main Contractor, and Subcontractor.

The Main Contractor database is a full Sigma installation. The Client and Subcontractor database are Transmittal Catalogue (T-Cat) databases which are simple document management systems. Read more about Sigma-Net and transmittals here.

Document transmittals and approval transmittals can be sent between the databases. The client can approve Main contractor documents and the Main Contractor can approve Subcontractor documents.

Each database has a separate set of login credentials as shown below. Use the hyperlinks on the diagram to access the databases.

A .zip file download of the demonstration databases populated with the test data and support files can be found here.

Test Login Credentials:

Use the login credentials below to use the demo system.

User Name and Authorities for Sigma:

Toffy         User

Diane       Translator

Fiona        User, PIC

Dan          User, PIC, SA Manager, DPM-C, Req Engineer

Luka         DPM-Sys, PIC, Contacts Admin

Anne        Doc Controller, Contacts Admin

For all Accounts Password: Vtas

User Name and Authorities for T-Cat1

John         User

Eleven      Doc Controller

User Name and Authorities for T-Cat2

Jimmey   User

Missy      Doc Controller

For all T-Cat accounts use Password: Sigma2017


Refer to the instructional videos page for detailed information about using Sigma.

General notes and instruction on how to use the demonstration system can be found here SigmaDemoHowTo.pdf

After you log in to Sigma it continues to load in the background. Performance will improve significantly the more you use it and click from function to function.

DO NOT USE YOUR BROWSER’S BACK BUTTONS. There are back, forward and other navigation buttons within each database screen. Please use these to get around.

MAKE SURE POPUPS ARE ENABLED. Sigma makes use of popovers and the function will not work if popups are blocked in your security settings.

The databases will be refreshed periodically and will revert back to the clean demo files. So changes you make will not persist forever.

So don’t worry about breaking it :-)